Mind Control !?

Hermie you are a MIND CONTROL MASTER

There's nothing you like more than getting your way, and you're not opposed to cutting corners or stepping on toes to make it happen. And you're in luck - your abduction by-product would be the popular 4400 power of mind control! Think of all the time and breath you'll save by condensing your complex mind games into a split-second. Now you'll have time to work on being a little less calculating and a little more genuine. Just a thought.


Wanna find out what ABILITY would the future grant you? Goto http://www.usanetwork.com/series/the4400/games/profiler/







  第三局换了一个地图双方对攻。这个地图地形更复杂,而且感觉非常真实,就像战争中的废墟,有残垣断壁的房子,有废弃的设备当作掩体,进攻路线也非常丰富。我把自己Role Play为一个突击队员,冲在最前面。可惜我没有在进攻前细致的侦查好地形,草率前进葬送了我4条命;而击杀我的正是大所长,姜还是老的辣,服了……

Technorati 标签: Counter-Strike


The first step to Thunderfury

Yesterday, with 5 other friends, I came back MC as a Tankadin for the legendary weapon:

After killing some mobs we faced Garr. The mobs are very easily for us now, but everyone should take care the 18min respawn of Ancient Core Hound. Note that Garr is 3 levels upon us but the Firesworns are still 60 elite.

Our strategy is as below. I aggro and pick up 8 Firesworns. Meanwhile, one hunter misdirect Garr to our warrior tank. DPS focus on Garr first. And one healer is enough for the two tanks.

Here is experience of tanking Firesworns. NO banish is need until Garr is dead. Because they could hardly hit me, a T5 geared tankadin. There're always Miss/Dodge/Parry/Block scrolling. The most hurt comes from their Immolate. However, as a paladin, i could Clease the DoT on sight. The Firesworns will become enraged after Garr's death and hit me about 800 after block of 600+ value. So at this time, the healer turn to me, and warrior tank taunt one away from me, and warlock banish one. Then fire at will and kill them all.

We didn't find the Right Half this time, however i got the Left Half luckily minutes later from Baron Geddon. =D

The fight with Baron is unaltered. I suggest that you fought in the chunnel from Garr to Baron, and as quickly as you can to avoid the Hound.