

  • 双天赋仅供满级角色使用。如果特别受欢迎,有可能开放给低等级角色使用。
  • 学习“双天赋”能力需要花费一定费用,这个费用只需要支付一次,由职业训练师收取。还未确定费用的具体额度。
  • 你可以在力量词典(Lexicon of Power)旁切换天赋。大城市都有词典,掌握铭文技能的角色可以召唤出一个力量词典。
    • - 召唤出来的力量词典可供他人使用。
    • - 召唤词典需要一个多人参与的仪式。所以,只身一人的玩家只能回到城镇切换天赋了。而小队和团队可以随时召唤这个词典。
    • - 还未决定词典是否可以反复使用。
  • 重修天赋将重置你当前的天赋,备用天赋将不受影响。换言之,如果你想把双天赋都洗掉,需要花费两倍洗天赋的费用。
  • 将会推出一个“装备管理工具”,就像Outfitter或者Itemrack那样方便的更改装备。更改天赋不会自动换装。
  • 猎人宝宝重修天赋的费用将会取消。
  • 猎人可以远程访问兽栏,而不需要回城才能更换宝宝。这个能力的冷却时间很长。
  • 伴随双天赋的就是双铭文,每一套天赋对应一套铭文。
  • 动作条也是两套,每一套天赋对应一套动作条。
  • 在保存天赋并令其生效之前,你可以在游戏中随意调整天赋点数的分配。
  • 最多两套天赋。


Love is in the Air

Here is my plan/guide(Alliance) for 'Love is in the Air' holiday. Hope it's help. Maybe you would like to read this first.

0. Complet the misson series starting with [Dangerous Love] to achieve [Nearest and Dearest].

1. Collect Gifts of Adoration below from citizens, NOT guards:
to achieve [Nation of Adoration].

2. Collect 20x [Unbestowed Friendship Bracelet] from the Gifts or Pledges of Adoration,
then cure 20 Players who with the Heartbroken debuff,
to achieve [Heartmender].

3. Collect or buy 10x [Love Rocket] then fire them in 20 seconds,
to achieve [The Rocket's Pink Glare].

4. Collect or buy 11x [Handful of Rose Petals] ;
get completely SMASHED in Ironforge;
then throw 1x [Handful of Rose Petals] on Sraaz,
then /kiss him,
to achieve [Flirt with Disaster].

5. Goto Dalaran to use the other 10x [Handful of Rose Petals] on
  • Gnome Warlock
  • Night Elf Priest
  • Tauren Druid
  • Undead Warrior
  • Draenei Paladin
  • Human Death Knight
  • Orc Shaman
  • Troll Rogue
  • Blood Elf Mage
  • Dwarf Hunter
to achieve [Fistful of Love].

6. when in Dalaran, rightclick someone's [Romantic Picnic Basket] to join and thank him,
to achieve [Lonely?].

7. Goto Utgarde Keep and slay Prince Keleseth for [Bouquet of Ebon Roses], 5 times for everyone in your party,
to achieve [My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose].

8. Collect 5x [Love Fool] from the Gifts or Pledges of Adoration, or luckily someone may share his Fool, goto:
  1. Blacksmith in Arathi Basin (minimap says "Blacksmith");
  2. INSIDE Naxxramas;
  3. Winergrasp (anywhere);
  4. INSIDE The Culling of Stratholme;
  5. Gurubashi Arena Battle Ring (Stranglethorn(30,48), minimap says "Battle Ring");
then use this macro twice if there is no exist Fool:
/tar Love Fool
/stopmacro [exists]
/use Love Fool
to achieve [I Pitied The Fool].

9. Collect 10x [Silver Shafted Arrow] from the Gifts or Pledges of Adoration,
then use it on 10 players;
or use macro below with only 1x:
/use Silver Shafted Arrow
to achieve [Shafted!].

10. Use the [Bag of Candies] to create 8 kinds of the hearts listed below:
  • Be Mine!
  • All yours.
  • Hot Lips.
  • You're the best!
  • I'll follow you all around Azeroth.
  • I'm all yours!
  • You're Mine!
to achieve [Be Mine!]

11. Eat 4 kinds of chocolets found within [Box of Chocolates]:
  • Buttermilk Delight
  • Sweet Surprise
  • Dark Desire
  • Very Berry Cream
to achieve [Sweet Tooth].

12. Achieve [Fool For Love] if all above are done.

13. *RARE* Collect [Truesilver Shafted Arrow] from the Gifts or Pledges of Adoration,
to achieve [Perma-Peddle].

14. *RARE* Collect [Lovely Black Dress] from the Gifts or Pledges of Adoration,
to achieve [Lovely Luck Is On Your Side].

15. *RARE* Collect [Romantic Picnic Basket] from the Gifts or Pledges of Adoration, if you like it and will share it.