Reading plays a significant role in PEP study, because some assignments require good reading skills, such as IRW, Referencing Essay and Independent Research paper. To complete each of these assignments before due date, I should read a group of academic articles with efficient reading and note taking skills. I only used to underline or circle keywords to assist my reading, but in these assignments I started to use highlighters. Meanwhile I tried to take notes for readings in better ways, which include critical reading, evaluation of the article and cross-referencing. I also tried to use mind map softwares to facilitate the note taking, however they would devour more time for learning them, so I gave it up. Facilitated by these skills, I found it more easier to achieve these reading related assignments.
Additionally, we have more works after class such as case study, oral presentations. They also need lots of time. I should arrange time for reading, researching, writing as well as rehearsal for OP. So excellent time management skills are definitely required. To improve my time management, I learnt pomodoro technique. According to this system, I divided my assignments or other homeworks to smaller tasks, and allocated tasks into each “pomodoro time”, which is 25 min work-time plus 5 min break. The allocation become the log for everyday’s work so that I could evaluate my efficiency at the end of each day. These evaluation help me to realise the problems of wasting time and the potential ways to improve my time management.
Over all, I improved my English reading skills and time management skills during PEP. I hope I could keep the progress in further study in university.